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What is Kaltura?

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Kaltura is an interactive video platform for students, teachers and support staff that allows media (video, audio photo) to be streamed, giving the ability to share media in a variety of ways. Media can be played instantly without having to be downloaded.

Where can I find Kaltura?

Within Saxion, you can work with Kaltura in two different environments:

Kaltura - Video.saxion.nl

In https://video.saxion.nl you can view, publish, create and share media.

The video platform is similar to YouTube but there are substantial differences:

  • The content is managed by Saxion.
  • It is intended for education-related topics related to Saxion.
  • Additional tools are offered for recording own material in an easy way.
  • It is possible to collaborate and share knowledge with students and teachers.
  • Also, the video platform can be used for internal and external communication and marketing.

Common use cases

  • Schools have the possibility to publish videos on their own subpage.
  • Videos are made public so they can be viewed outside Saxion.
  • Student and teacher create their own channels to share videos internal or external.
  • Student and teacher create playlists to share.

Kaltura - Brightspace

By integrating Kaltura into Brightspace, you have the ability to post, edit and share media with others. Log in to https://brightspace.saxion.nl to work with Kaltura in Brightspace.

There are 4 ways to use Kaltura in Brightspace

  1. In a personal media collection My Media
  2. In any spot in a course where the content editor shows you the "Insert Stuff" button followed by Embed Kaltura Media
  3. In a course specific collection Media Gallery
  4. In a course-transcending collection for schools called: the Shared Repository

Common use cases

  • Videos are submitted by students for video assignments.
  • Teacher posts knowledge clips in preparation for class.
  • Teacher provides feedback in the grade book through video feedback.
  • In a forum, students provide feedback on videos practicing, for example, conversation techniques.
  • Assessments are recorded and stored for accreditation.
  • In a course, videos are posted in the Course Media Gallery which students use to complete assignments.
  • Instructors post videos in the Shared Repository for other instructors to use.
Volgende Artikel What support is available?
Meer hulp nodig? Mail je vragen over Brightspace naar [email protected] of bel naar 088-0191020, doorkiesnummer 1. Bereikbaar op werkdagen tussen 9.00 en 17.00 uur.