Onderwijslogistiek Support

What support is available?

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Helpdesk support team

  • Send an email to [email protected].
  • You can also create a ticket yourself in Topdesk.
  • Searching for the term Brightspace in the MySaxion search bar yields frequently asked questions and answers.
  • Call the help desk on weekdays between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Internal on 1020, external on +31 88 019 1020, extension number 1.
  • For questions about the use and design of your Brightspace course, please contact the project leader of your academy. Click here for an overview of the project leaders.

Support site

  • You are currently on the support site. All manuals are publicly available in both English and Dutch.

Training and material

On demand

  • Online workshops: The workshop lasts 1 hour and 30 minutes and is available throughout Saxion. The training courses are offered at several times per year. You can register for one of the available options via this link. Navigate through the calendar and see which times are available.
  • Physical workshop(s) within the context and on location of the academy. These take place on request in consultation with the academy project leader and the project team. The physical workshop lasts approximately 2 hours and is particularly suitable for study days or for target groups with additional support needs.

Self paced

  • A self-study environment in Brightspace, which you can go through independently, for example in preparation for a training course or as a reference work. This environment automatically appears in your course overview.
  • A video training that can be followed independent of time and place. This video can be found in the self-study environment or directly via this link.
  • The physical training sessions are actively implemented and include room for practice in your own 'sandbox'.


Project leaders

Name Academy
Laurens ten Voorde
Bob Jan ten Cate
Karien Geerds
Judith Zwerver
Marco Farfan Galindo
Huib Krukkert AMA
Lutz Siemer
Nicole Bartels
Shirley Nijboer - Zwepink
Ira Overbeek
Gerko Hassink BBT
Joris Verwijmeren
Patrick Klunder
Erik Leeuw
Peter Arends
Bert van Dijk SFIB
Bertine Hal - de Wals
Jelske Marcus SSS
Volgende Artikel How do I add a course to my homepage?
Meer hulp nodig? Mail je vragen over Brightspace naar [email protected] of bel naar 088-0191020, doorkiesnummer 1. Bereikbaar op werkdagen tussen 9.00 en 17.00 uur.