Onderwijslogistiek Support

Import From OneDrive

Aangepast op

  1. Click on + ADD NEW in the top right corner
  2. Select Import From OneDrive from the dropdown menu
  1. You will now see the import page from OneDrive. Click Select a file from your OneDrive
  1. Go to the folder you want to select the media from. Recordings from Meetings will be automatically saved in the folder named Recordings
  1. Check the media that you want to add and click on Select
  1. You wil see that the media is imported from OneDrive
  2. Enter metadata as desired and click on Save
  3. You can now view the media in its dedicated page or in your My Media
Vorige Artikel Media Upload
Meer hulp nodig? Mail je vragen over Brightspace naar [email protected] of bel naar 088-0191020, doorkiesnummer 1. Bereikbaar op werkdagen tussen 9.00 en 17.00 uur.