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How do I take a quiz?

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Quizzes homepage

Instructors can create a Quiz for a course. A quiz is a test that you take in Brightspace and on which the teacher can provide feedback.

  1. Navigate to Course Tools in the navigation bar of your course.
  2. Click on Quizzes. You land on the Quizzes homepage.
  • Under Current Quizzes you can see the different quizzes that a teacher has created for a course. The deadline and availability are also listed under the title of the quiz.
  • Under Evaluation Status you can see whether or not a lecturer has commented on your answers.
  • Under Attempts you will find the number of attempts you have to complete the quiz and how many of those attempts you have already used.
  1. Click on the name of a quiz to open it. You land on the Summary page.
  2. Click on the arrow behind a quiz to open the shortcut menu. From here you navigate to Submissions and Reports.


On the Summary page you will find information about the quiz. If you have any quiz attempts left, you can also start a quiz here.

  • Under Quiz Details you will find the time, the user, the deadline and if the quiz is still available, how much time you have to complete the quiz and how many attempts you have and have used.
  • Under Instructions you will see instructions for completing the quiz.
  • Click Start Quiz! to start the quiz.

Take quiz

When you click on Start Quiz! clicked, you will be taken to the page with questions. If you enter a question, the answer is saved immediately. You can still adjust these before you hand in the quiz

You can close the quiz in between by clicking on the cross on the right above the questions. You can then continue at a later time by looking up the quiz and clicking Continue Quiz. Note: If a timer has been set, it will continue while you have completed the quiz. You will receive a warning about this if you close the quiz in the meantime.

When you have completed all questions, click Submit Quiz.

If you have already made a quiz and you have no more attempts left, a Summary will appear in which you will only see the details. Above the Quiz Details you will see Attempts Completed. You have no option to take the quiz again.


Click on Submissions in the shortcut menu of a quiz to view your submitted quiz attempts.

If you have not participated in the quiz, you will see You have not attempted this quiz.

If you have attempted a quiz, you will see an overview of your attempts. What information is visible, depends on the settings the lecturer has selected. The standard settings only allow students to see your score (Individual Attempts and Score), but it is possible that you see statistics based on all participants.

  • Under Individual Attempts, you can find the attempts you have submitted. If there is a feedback icon behind the attempt, the lecturer has provided feedback.
    • Click on the attempt to see the information about the date and time at which the attempt was submitted. Additionally, you can read the given feedback and see your score. Note: the lecturer can choose for a setup where you can see the questions with your and/or the correct answers.
  • Under Score, you can see the scores  that you have received for the attempts. This score consists of the amount of points you have received out of the total available points. Note: the way you see the score, depends on the settings the lecturer has selected.
  • Behind Overall Grade (...) you can see the final score. When you have attempted the quiz several times, the score you see will depend on the settings the lecturer has selected. In the brackets, you see how Brightspace has calculated the score:
    • Highest Attempt: only the attempt with the highest score counts.
    • Lowest Attempt: only the attempt with the lowest score counts.
    • Average of all Attempts: the final score is the average of all attempts.
    • First Attempt: only the first attempt counts.
    • Last Attempt: only the last attempt counts.
  • You might see statistics of the rest of the group compared to your results. Whether you can see this, depends on the settings that were selected by the lecturer.


Lecturers can make reports of a quiz. The results of all participants will be combined in a series of graphs. In this way, you can see what scores your fellow students have obtained and what the group average is.

  • Click on Reports in the menu of a quiz to see the report.
  • If the lecturer has generated a report, you will see this in the Report List. Click on the title of the report you would like to see to open it.
  • You can select a range for the dates you want to view the results of.
  • Click on Generate HTML to open the report in your browser.
  • You can see the statistics the lecturer has selected. This might be the average of all participants and/or the score per student.
  • Click on Print Report to print the report.
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