Instructors will communicate the important announcements regarding the course via Announcements. These are immediately visible on the home page of the course. Via the cross at the top right you can click away an Announcement, this will archive the announcement (it is not possible to delete an Announcement completely). Have you accidentally clicked away an Announcement and do you want to restore it? Then you can easily do so via the Announcements Tool.

- Click on the arrow behind Announcements.
- Click on Go to Announcements Tool.

On Announcements you will find an overview of all announcements. At a glance you can see the start date of the messages your instructor has posted and you can easily view or remove/restore them on the home page of your course.
• Click on Notifications to manage your notifications.
• Click on the arrow behind an announcement to:
• To view (View).
• Remove or put back on the course homepage (Dismiss from widget/Restore). Behind a deleted announcement is (dismissed).
Under Notifications you can set that you receive an email notification of your Announcements. We recommend this because teachers communicate the most important updates in a course through Announcements.