Onderwijslogistiek Support

What can students download?

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Students can download files from the content page. The following comes along when a header/subheader is downloaded:

  • PowerPoint and Word files
  • PDF documents
  • Image files
  • HTML documents. You can open these with a browser or word processor, for example..

Download content

  1. Click on the Content heading
  2. Click on the desired heading or subheading on the left side of the menu
  3. Click on the cloud icon in the upper right corner
  4. You can now download the zip file
  5. Read more information about opening a zip file here.
Vorige Artikel How do I download a SafeAssign Report from Blackboard and add it to the Blackboard Portfolio?
Volgende Artikel Where can I request a missing manual or guide?
Meer hulp nodig? Mail je vragen over Brightspace naar [email protected] of bel naar 088-0191020, doorkiesnummer 1. Bereikbaar op werkdagen tussen 9.00 en 17.00 uur.