The owner of a media file that has been placed on Kaltura, has the option to share the file with others. They can see the shared file in their Kaltura My Media.
Navigate to My Media using the Brightspace navigationbar.
- Click on Edit to the right of the video you would like to share.

- Click on Collaboration (third tab).
- Click on + Add Collaborator.

- Type the last name or student number of the person with who you would like to share the video with, and select the correct user from the list.
- In Select permissions, check the Co-Editor box if you want the other person to be able to edit the video. Check the Co-Publisher box if you want the other person to be able to share the video. Check the Co-Viewer box if you only want the other person to be able to view the video.
- Click on Add.

You have added the selected user as a co-editor, -publisher, and/or -viewer. This user can now edit, share, or view the video depending on the permissions.