When a lecturer has provided you with an grade for an assignment, you can view this in two places: via Assignments and via Grades.
- Navigate to Course tools using the navigationbar of your course.
- Click on Assignments.

In Assignments, you can find an overview of all assignments within a course.
- Under Completion Status you can see whether you have submitted an assignment (Submitted/Not Submitted).
- Under Score, you can see your achieved score.
- Under Evaluation Status you can see if the lecturer has given you feedback. Click on Read/Unread to see your feedback.

It is possible that you have already read the feedback and that the lecturer has made changes, for example by adding annotations. Under evaluation status, Read will change back to Unread if this is the case.
On the feedback page, you can see:
- Rubric: The rubric that has been assigned to the assignment and your score per criteria;
- Score: Your achieved level;
- Assignment: The title of the assignment;
- Submission ID: The ID that has been given to your submission;
- Submission(s): The document you have submitted.

You can also review the grade for an assignment via Grades.
- Navigate to Grades using the navigationbar of your course.

On the Grades page, you can see all Activities that are graded using the GradeBook.
- Grade Item: the title of the quiz, assignment, or discussion.
- Points: the achieved number of points.
- Grade: the final grade, which might be rounded.
- Feedback: the provided feedback.