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Onderwijslogistiek Support
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Onderwijslogistiek Support
Students - English
Welcome to Brightspace
Contact the Brightspace Support Team
Aangepast op
Jul 25, 2024
. Mail to
[email protected]
Call the helpdesk on +31 88 019 1020, direct dial 1
Vorige Artikel
How do I change my profile picture?
Volgende Artikel
How do I use pronouns on Brightspace?
Students - English
Welcome to Brightspace
How do I access Brightspace?
Which notifications can I turn on and off and how do I link notifications to my e-mail?
How do I set up to receive an email when a deadline is approaching?
How do I add a course to my homepage?
How do I change my profile picture?
Contact the Brightspace Support Team
How do I use pronouns on Brightspace?
Getting to know Brightspace
How do I access my courses?
Access courses
How does clicking away and putting back Announcements work?
Does Brightspace work in all browsers?
Why are some courses grayed out?
Why can't I see all the content of a course?
The different stages of your course.
How can I see who participates in my course?
When do I get access to Brightspace and my courses?
How do I view a rubric that the teacher uses to grade an assignment?
How do Assignments work?
How do I submit a (group)assignment?
How do I submit a video assignment?
Where can I find my submitted assignments?
How do I resubmit an assignment?
Assignments - Troubleshooting for Students
How do I hand in a Turnitin Assignment?
How do I hand in an assignment if I get an error?
Feedback and assessment: Assignments, Quizzes and Discussions
How can I see the assessment of an assignment?
How can I see the assessment of a discussion?
How can I see the assessment of a quiz?
How do I process (inline)feedback with Annotations on Assignments?
Feedback and assessment: Grades and awards
How can I view my grades in Brightspace (Grades)?
How do Awards work and how can I see which Awards I have obtained?
How do I use the Calendar?
How do I share or print the Calendar?
How do I adjust settings in the Calendar?
How do I use tasks in the Calendar?
How do I use and create a checklist?
How does Discussions work?
How do I participate in a discussion?
How can I collaborate with students on files in Brightspace?
How do I adjust a reaction in a post?
Why can't I see a Discussion?
Which settings can I adjust for a Discussion?
How do I register for a group in the course?
How do I use Lockers in a group?
How do I start a group discussion?
How do I see which Brightspace groups there are and which group(s) I am in?
How do I hand in a group assignment?
Quizzes and Surveys
How do I take a quiz?
How do I add a video to Kaltura?
How does Kaltura work?
Kaltura video editing tools
How can I download an uploaded video?
How do I share a video with others?
How do I make a screen recording with Kaltura Capture?
Media Stitching
How do I submit a video assignment?
Requesting subtitles / transcription
How do I add videos to the Course Gallery?
Frequently asked questions
How do I download my graded assignments and feedback from Blackboard?
How do I download a SafeAssign Report from Blackboard and add it to the Blackboard Portfolio?
What can students download?
Where can I request a missing manual or guide?
Can I report a bug or an error in the system somewhere?
Can I receive Brightspace notifications per email?
How can I send messages to other students through Brightspace?
What is the policy regarding grades in Brightspace?
What is the best name for my file?
Will the old material in Blackboard remain available?
Is there a Brightspace helpdesk for students?
To whom is my name visible (teachers, fellow students)?
How can I send messages to my teacher via Brightspace?
What is the Pulse-app?
How do I use the Pulse app?
Andere bronnen
Docenten - Nederlands
Teachers - English
Studenten - Nederlands
Release Information - English
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Mail je vragen over Brightspace naar
[email protected]
of bel naar 088-0191020, doorkiesnummer 1. Bereikbaar op werkdagen tussen 9.00 en 17.00 uur.