Onderwijslogistiek Support

How do I access my courses?

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When you open Brightspace, you will immediately see your own course environments already listed here or you can enroll yourself in a course:

  1. Are you already automatically enrolled? Then you'll see your own courses listed immediately. You can pin a course to make sure it stays at the top of your page.
  2. Do you see only your curriculum page listed in Brightspace? Then your course works with self-enrollment and you can enroll yourself through the course itself:
    - Click on the course you want to enroll in
    - Click on enroll to register
    - The course will then automatically appear on your Brightspace homepage. By pinning the course you can pin it to the top of the pag

Depending on the school where you study, the course registration process is different. Your school may enroll you or you may have to enroll yourself. Below you will find for each school the chosen enrollment process and contact information in case of questions.

School Enrollment proces Contact for questions

Self-enrollment through the curriculum page on Brightspace

[email protected]

ACT Self-enrollment through the curriculum page on Brightspace

contact your study coach


Your school takes care of the course registration

[email protected]

Your school takes care of the course registration 

[email protected]
AMM Your school takes care of the course registration
[email protected]
APO Self-enrollment through the curriculum page on Brightspace
[email protected]
BBT Your school takes care of the course registration contact your lecturer
HBS Your school takes care of the course registration
[email protected]
LED Self-enrollment through the curriculum page on Brightspace
contact your lecturer
SCE Your school takes care of the course registration
[email protected]
SFIB Self-enrollment through the curriculum page on Brightspace contact your lecturer
Smart Solutions Your school takes care of the course registration [email protected]
SPS Your school takes care of the course registration [email protected]
Vorige Artikel Getting to know Brightspace
Volgende Artikel How do I set my clock as a 24 hour clock (instead of 12 hour)?
Meer hulp nodig? Mail je vragen over Brightspace naar [email protected] of bel naar 088-0191020, doorkiesnummer 1. Bereikbaar op werkdagen tussen 9.00 en 17.00 uur.