This article discusses the different types of Assignments and how you can hand in an Assignment.
The content of this article consists of:
Types of Assignments
Teachers can assign you work that has one of four submission types:
- File submission: You submit the assignment by uploading a file (for example a Word- or PDF-file). Maximum file size is 2GB
- Text submission: You post a text, image or link to your work (for example: a video in Kaltura) using an html-editor box. For example, if you are required to make a web page, you can link it in the html text editor.
- On paper submission: You hand in an assignment as a hard copy. This will not be uploaded to Brightspace. The teacher can still provide feedback to you in Grades.
- Observed in person: If you have to perform an assignment in a lecture or workgroup, the teacher can provide feedback for this as an assignment, even though you are not required to upload in Assignments.
The teacher will tell you beforehand how to submit your assignment to Brightspace.
Handing in assignments: A file submission
To hand in assignments:
- Navigate to Tests & submission pointsin the content of the course.
- Click on the name of the assignment that you would like to submit.
- Click on Go to Assignment.
A teacher may place links to Assignments within the corresponding Content module. In the Saxion courses in Brightspace you can almost always find a Unit Tests & Submission points in the content of the course, where all the assignments are placed.
1. To see details of the assignment, click on Hide/Show Assignment Information.
2. If a rubric is submitted, you can see this at Show Rubrics.
3. In order to submit your assignment, click on Submit Assignment:
- Click on Add a File to upload a document.
- Click on Record Audio/Record Video to record a sound- or video- clip. Your computer must have a microphone and/or a webcam.
- Enter a comment to your file(s) in the HTML editor underneath Comments.

- If you click on Add a File, a pop-up screen will appear. Click on My computer to upload a document from your computer. Click on Upload, or drag the desired file in the corresponding field.

- You can see the file that you have uploaded. Subsequently click on Add.

- Click on Submit to hand in the assignment. You can see an overview of the assignment that you have handed in. Click on Done if you would like to return to the Assignment Homepage.

After submitting an assignment you will receive a conformation mail which states the date and time of your submission.
You will always receive a confirmation email with the date and time of the submission attempt.
Assignment submission: Text submission
- Click here to see how to navigate to assignments.
- Fill in the text for the assignment at Text Submission. You can make use of the HTML-editor option if preferred.
- Click on Submit to hand in the written text.

Submitting an assignment for plagiarism check
Saxion uses Turnitin in Brightspace to check a student's work for overlap with other sources and submissions.
The instructor decides whether a student's product should also be checked for overlap with other sources and works.
You can submit a Turnitin assessment as follows.
- When you upload a Turnitin assignment for the first time, you must first accept the Turnitin End-User License Agreement.
- When you click on View/Hide Instructions you make instructions visible/invisible
- To upload the file you can drag the file to Drag submission file here or by clicking on My Computer

- When you have selected the right file it is visible under preview
- When everything is correct you click on Submit to hand in the file.

- In the next overview it is possible to view the Turnitin report, you do this by clicking on Similarity. Please note, this is only possible if the teacher has chosen to make the report available to students.

The teacher assesses the overlap percentages and, if necessary, talks to the student. The teacher then assesses the content of the product.
How do I hand in a group-assignment
Every person within a group can hand in the group-assignment. It is up to the teacher to decide whether you (as a group) can only submit an assignment once, or overwrite the previous submission.