When you want to place a video in a course in Brightspace, you use Kaltura to do so. Kaltura is an interactive video platform that is integrated in Brightspace. The tool serves as a help in recording, uploading, editing, and placing videos in courses in Brightspace. For most of these activities, you start at the Kaltura My Media page. Additionally, every course in Brightspace has a page where the lecturer can place several video's together: the Kaltura Course Gallery.
Kaltura My Media
You can reach the My Media page by clicking on My Media in the Brightspace home page.

In Kaltura My Media, you can see an overview of the video's you have previously uploaded.

When you press Filters, the following options are presented to you:
- Media type: filter on the media type, such as a video or an audio file;
- Publish status: filter on whether a video is private, published, running, or denied;
- Ownership: filter on whose the owner of the video;
- Captions: filter based on availability of a Caption;
- Duration: filter based on video length;
- Creation Date: filter based on the date on which the video was made.

In Kaltura My Media, it is possible to do more than just watch videos. You can also edit and delete your uploaded videos.
- Read this article for an explanation about uploading videos in Kaltura, editing the settings of the videos and deleting the videos.
- Read this article for an explanation about editing videos in Kaltura.
Kaltura Media Gallery
Every course has its own Kaltura Course Gallery. You can find this by using the navigationbar in a course and pressing Course Tools. Then, you can press Kaltura Media Gallery.
Every course has its own Kaltura Course Gallery. Here, you can see an overview of the videos that have been published by all participants of a course. You can add previously uploaded media to the Course Gallery.
- Read the following article for an explanation on how to place videos in the Course Gallery.

Leaving comments on Kaltura videos
Navigate to the video you would like to leave a comment on by going to the Course Gallery.
Play the video and pause at the point where you would like to give a comment.
Scroll down to go to Comments.
- Write your comment.
- Press Add to place your comment.