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How do I structure my course with units/lessons/folders/pages?

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In a course it is possible to make four "layers" with which content can be presented. For a clear user experience, however, it is recommended not to use more than three. In this article we give an explanation of these layers, and how to use them.

What are units/lessons/folders/pages?

Units, lessons and folders are all types of 'containers' in which content or other containers can be stored. You can use them to structure the content in your course.

A page comprises the lowest level possible within the content structure. A page contains a template in which you can place the content students need in order to prepare a lesson or complete an assignment.

How do I use units/lessons/folders/pages?

  1. Click on + New Unit to create a new unit

N.B. In principle, you will not need to create new units yourself, because the basic structure of units is already created in the Saxion coursetemplate (which is loaded by default into your course)

2. If a unit is selected, you can:

  • Click on Create New to make a new Lesson or new Page;
  • Click Add Existing to add existing content (e.a. discussion forum, quiz or assignment)
  • Add a Release Condition by clicking on the three dots to the right of Create New. This will then affect the underlying lessons/folders/pages;
  • Reorder / Delete by clicking on the three points.

3. If a lesson is selected, you can:

  • Click on Create New to make a New Folder or new Page;
  • Click Add Existing to add existing content (e.a. discussion forum, quiz or assignment)
  • Add a Release Condition by clicking on the three dots to the right of Create New. This will then affect the underlying folders/pages;
  • Reorder / Delete by clicking on the three points.

4. If a folder is selected, you can:

  • Click on Create New to make a new Page;
  • Click Add Existing to add existing content (e.a. discussion forum, quiz or assignment)
  • Add a Release Condition by clicking on the three dots to the right of Create New. This will then affect the underlying content;
  • Reorder / Delete by clicking on the three points.

N.B. We recommend using folders as little as possible to avoid unnecessary click-throughs.

5. If a page is selected, you can:

  • Edit the page by clicking on Edit via the three dots to the right of Create New;
  • Add a template to use as the basis of your page. you will then always have a correct layout within the page. You van read how to add a template here.

How are units/lessons/folders/pages used within the Saxion coursetemplate?

The Saxion Course template is used within Saxion. The Course template offers guidelines that the structure of each course must meet.

For more information about how units/lessons/folders/pages within the Saxion Course template are used, see the article: What is the Saxion Course template?

Vorige Artikel What is the Saxion course template?
Volgende Artikel How do I preview my course as a student?
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