Onderwijslogistiek Support

How do I add a file to Brightspace?

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In Brightspace you can insert various (external) media in the HTML editor, such as files, images and video and audio files. You can also add links to other parts in Brightspace or to an external source.

To place a file in the HTML editor, go to the location in the course where the file should be placed.

  1. Click on the 3 dots at the top right.
  2. Click Edit.

Use Instert Stuff to post a file

To place a file, use Insert Stuff in the HTML editor.

With Insert Stuff you can also add other media. See How do I add media in the Editor?

The next screen appears.

To place a file, choose My computer

  1. Click Choose file (Bestand kiezen in Dutch) and browse your PC to where the file is saved.
  2. Click Upload
  1. You can possibly change the name of the link to the file in the next screen.
  2. Click Insert

Click Save and Close

Vorige Artikel How do I edit videos in Content?
Volgende Artikel Repairing broken links
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