Onderwijslogistiek Support

What information is/isn't copied in a Course Copy?

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This article details what is and is not copied with a course copy and what actions may be required after a copy.  

For information on how to copy all or part of a course, see How do I copy the content of one Brightspace course to another Brightspace course?

Rule of thumb: Data from and about specific students will not be copied. Examples include grades entered by a student in the Gradebook, student submitted assignments, or Discussion Threads created by students.

Tools en functionaliteiten

Announcements Yes It is also possible to not copy any announcement with a partial course copy or specific announcements can be deleted manually after copying.
Assignments Yes Turnitin will be disabled after the course copy. This must be turned back on by going to Course Tools Assignments and resetting Turnitin.
Attendance registers Yes -
Calendar Events* Yes Please note that the dates are still on the dates of the original course. It is possible to move all dates by a certain number of weeks.It is also possible to delete specific dates or not copy the calendar at all with a partial course copy.
Checklists Yes -
Classlist No Instructors on the class list are also not copied.
Content Yes Caution with external tools.
Content status Hidden / Visible Yes You may want to set some things back to Hidden before students can access the course.
Course Files Yes -
Discussions Yes NOTE Only the structure (the discussion forums and topics) will be copied. Posts from stints or teachers will not be included.
External Learning Tool Links Yes -
Gradebook Yes NOTE student grades are not copied, only grade items, structure and associated activities (e.g. link to an assignment). Duplicate and unused grade schemes are not copied!
Groups Yes NOTE Group enrollments are not copied, only the structure, the connected release conditions / assignments / discussions.
Release Conditions 99% Release conditions based on Section Enrollments are not copied. You always have to set these again with each course.
Rubrics Yes -
Quizzes Yes Both the quizzes and the question libraries
Sections No This also means that release conditions based on section enrollments are not included.
Kaltura video's in de Kaltura Media Gallery, die NIET in content staan. No Either add videos again in the new course via Kaltura My Media; or in the old course put the videos in content so that they do come along. Do not forget to select the external learning tool. Otherwise the videos will not be included. Do this before copying the course.
Kaltura video's gedeeld in content Yes -
MS Teams Course connector No MS Teams is associated with 1 course. In the new course you need to re-activate this to create a new Team.
Turnitin assignments Yes Reset Turnitin per assignment.

*Calendar events worden bij volledige Course Copy wel meegenomen. Indien niet gewenst, dienen de calendar events handmatig te worden verwijderd óf voer een gedeeltelijke course copy uit (alles behalve calendar items).

Vorige Artikel Recover accidentally deleted data
Volgende Artikel How do I hide or unhide course content from students?
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