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Hiding grades from students

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You can choose to hide the grade column for students. For example, if you do not want the students to see the grades, or because you want to release the grade at a later time. It  might be possible, for instance, that you cannot grade all of your students at once or maybe you would like to still change the grade after assessing an assignment. To prevent confusion, it is advised to keep the grades hidden until you can all release them at the same time.

If the assignment is linked to a category, you must also hide the category as an addition to what is explained above.

If you hide a grade column in the Gradebook that has been linked to an activity (for example an assignment) then the grade will still be visible. To hide grades linked to assignments, you must hide the assignment as well as the grade column for students.

Hiding Grade Items from all students

All grade columns are visible to students by default, except for the Final Grades. Final Grades will be visible if these have been released by the lecturer.

  • Click on Grades in the navigationbar of the course.
  • Click on Manage Grades.
  • Click on the arrow next to Grade Item and select Hide from users.
    • This hides the Grade Item and the associated grades for all students. While a Grade item is hidden, the grades can be edited without students seeing this. To make the grade visible again, you can once again click on the arrow and press Make Visible to Users.

Hiding Grade Items using release conditions

When you select Hide from users, the Grade item is immediately hidden for all students. When you click on Edit and then on Restrictions, you get the opportunity to hide grade items for a certain period or from a certain group of students.

  1. Use Restrictions if the Grade item should only be visible for a certain period of time. Under Availability, you can select a start and end date. The item will be invisible for students before the start date and after the end date.
  2. Select Display in Calendar if you want these dates to show up in your students' calendars.
  3. Select Attach Existing if you want to add an existing Release Condition to the grade, or press Create and Attach if you want to create a new one. For more information about release conditions, please see these articles.
  4. Select Save and Close.

Hiding a category

  • Click on Grades in the navigationbar of your course.
  • Click on the arrow behind the Category you wish to hide in Enter Grades.
  • Click on Edit.

Hiding an assignment

  • Click on Course Tools in the navigationbar of the course.
  • Click on Assignments.
  • Click on the arrow behind the Assignment you want to hide.
  • Click on Hide from users.

The eye with the line through it indicates that the assignment is now invisible to students.

Releasing the final calculated grade

The "Final Calculated Grade" is a final grade calculated by Brightspace. This is calculated based on the assignments which you have selected to be part of the Final Calculated Grade (and potentially a given percentage). Ensure for the correctness of the grades in this column that you have checked it before releasing the grades to students.

Attention: Grades in Brightspace do not have an official status. Final grades will always have to be registered in the student information system.

  • Click on Grades in the navigationbar.
  • Click on the Enter Grades tab.
  • Click on the arrow next to Final Calculated Grade.
  • Click on Enter Grades in the drop-down menu.

A new screen will open. Select (a part of) the students and click on Release/Unrelease to release the Final Grades or hide them from the selected students. It is possible in the left-most column to select whether you want that student included in the group for the Final Grade release.

Vorige Artikel How do I create a Grade Scheme?
Volgende Artikel Setting up resits in the Gradebook
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