Onderwijslogistiek Support

How do I change a course image?

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You can customize images on the personal home page (thumbnail of a course and the units within the course) or the images in a course itself.

Customize the course thumbnail

The courses you are enrolled in can be seen on your personal homepage. See the article How do I add a course to my homepage? For more information.

When you customize the thumbnail of the course, it will be seen on the personal home page of all users and it will also become the image of the units in the course.

  1. Go to your personal homepage;
  2. Go to the course whose thumbnail you want to edit;
  3. Move the mouse over the top right corner of the image;
  4. Click on the three dots that appear;
  5. Click Change Image.
  • Select Upload if you would like to use your own images.
  • Or choose one of the images from the library. Scroll down for more images.

    Always use an image that says something about the course.

Customize the course welcome banner

Within the course it is also possible to adjust the banner. This is visible on Course Home.
Go to the course home page of the course whose welcome banner you want to customize.

  1. Click on the three dots in the top right corner of the welcome banner.
  2. Upload your own image or select one of the standard images.
  3. Change the text if desired. For example, to a short welcome message for all new users, or an explanatory title for the course.

The image and text are visible to all users enrolled in the course.

An uploaded image can be depicted differently than intended due to the fact that Brightspace automatically adjusts the screen resolutions and sizes to optimize the user experience on different devices. For the banner we recommend you to use an image size of 1200 x 200 pixels.

Vorige Artikel How do I add a course to my homepage?
Volgende Artikel How do I change my profile picture?
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