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How do I remove Groups?

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This article will explain how to remove Groups. 

Removing a Category

  • Go to Course Tools > Groups in the navbar of your course. You will now see the Manage Groups page.
  1. Select the category you want to delete in the dropdown menu.
  2. Click on the checkbox next to the category.
  3. Click on Delete. A pop-up window will appear.
  • Click on Delete Category. You will now remove the category and all the groups it contains.

Removing a category will influence certain parts to which it is linked:

  1. Discussions: only the discussion forum will remain visible. All topics including their content will be removed. The forum will only remain visible to teachers. Students are not able to see the forum because it does not contain any topics. You can use this forum again by adding new topics.
  2. Lockers: the lockers and their content will be removed for both teachers and students. This content is permanently deleted!
  3. Assignment: assignment submission folders created through the New Category menu will be removed when the linked group category is removed. All submitted materials will be removed and cannot be restored! Links in Content to assignments that were removed in this process will now appear as broken.
  4. Groups: all the groups in the category will be removed.
  5. Release Condition: if there is a file in Content that has the category as a release condition, this file will become available to everybody when the category is removed.

Removing a group

  • Go to Course Tools > Groups in the navbar of your course. You will now see the Manage Groups page.
  1. Select the group you want to delete in the drop-down menu.
  2. Click the checkbox next to the group.
  3. Click Delete. A pop-up window will appear.
  • Click Delete Groups. You will now remove the selected groups.

Removing a Group will influence certain parts to which it is linked:

  1. Discussions: the teacher will still be able to see the discussion forum, but the student who was in the deleted group will not. All topics of the group including their content will be deleted.
  2. Lockers: the lockers and their content will be removed for both teachers and students. This content is permanently deleted!
  3. Assignment: the handed in assignments are no longer visible for students or teacher. However, the teacher is still able to see how many assignments were handed in.
  4. Release Condition: if there is a topic in Content that has the group as a release condition, this topic will become available to everybody when the group is removed.
Vorige Artikel How do I use groups?
Volgende Artikel What do students see in Groups and how do they use them?
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