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How do I download a Similarity Report?

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This article will explain how to download a Similarity Report as a PDF file.

A PDF file is created of the submitted work with an overview of the degree of overlap and the relevant sources.

You can choose between Classic View and New View in Turnitin. You can see which view you are in at the top left of your screen.

Downloading Similarity Report in the Classic view

  1. Open the Similarity Report of the submitted work you want to download and click (if necessary) Go to Classic View at the top left.
  2. Make sure that the option Similarity is checked under  Active Layers.
  3. Select the Download symbol from the bar on the right.
  1. Select Current View. The Similarity Report will be downloaded.

Downloading Similarity Report in the New View

  1. Open the Similarity Report of the submitted work you want to download and click (if necessary) Go to New View at the top left.
  2. Click on the download symbol at the top right.
  3. Click on the file you want to download, in this case the Similarity Report.
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