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How do I create groups?

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The Groups function allows you to divide the students in your course into smaller groups with a maximum of 200 students. You can do this, for example, so that students can work on an assignment or for administrative reasons. You can divide everyone or a specific number of students into groups.

You can manage the groups via the Manage Groups function.

Create groups in Brightspace

Follow the next steps to create groups in Brightspace:

  • Go to Course Tools > Groups in the navigation bar of your course. This opens the Manage Groups page.
  • Click New Category.
  1. Enter the name of the category (for example Seminar).
  2. If necessary, add a description of the category. This description is shown to students in the case of self-enrollment groups.
  3. Determine how the groups are created using the drop-down menu under Enrollment Type. You can choose to add students to groups yourself, add them automatically or give them the option to choose a group themselves (Self Enrollment). You can then choose the total number of groups (# of Groups) and/or the total number of students per group with a maximum of 200 (Groups or #). A description of the seven possible group structures can be found below. Depending on your preferences, you can now determine the number of groups and/or the number of students per group.

Create groups in bulk

The Custom Group Management Widget can be found at the bottom of the Course Home page. With the Custom Group Management Widget you can download the classlist with enrolled users’ data (including group enrollment data) and enroll users into custom groups using a formatted .csv file.

The widget consists of 2 integral parts: Download Classlist and Import Groups from a File (.csv).

Download Classlist

  • “Download Classlist” button allows you to download the classlist as a formatted csv file with the following fields: Username, FirstName, LastName, Role, Email, GroupName, GroupCode, GroupCategoryName, and Action.
  • The “Action” field in the downloaded file will always be blank. It’s added for your convenience so that you can populate it when importing a .csv file (next step).
  • If a user has no group enrollments, then there will be at least one line with the user information but a blank GroupName, GroupCode and GroupCategoryName.
  • Every group will have at least one line with no Username and only GroupName, GroupCode and GroupCategoryName (all other fields will be blank) at the bottom of the file so that there is an overview of all groups.
  • If there is a group category with no groups, there will be at least one line with only GroupCategoryName (all other fields will be blank) at the bottom of the file.
  • If a user is enrolled in multiple groups, that user will be listed multiple times; every group enrollment will be on a new line.
  • If a user is not visible in the classlist, they will not be shown in the downloaded file either.

Here is an example of Download Classlist output file:

Username FirstName LastName Role Email GroupName GroupCode GroupCategoryName Action
Test.Test1 Test Test1 Learner [email protected]
Group 1 grp_7742_186_1 Category 1
Test.Test2 Test
[email protected]
Group 2
Category 1

Group 1
Category 1

Group 2
Category 1

Group 3
Category 1

Group 4
Category 1

Category 2

Import Groups from a File (.csv)

The Import section allows you to customize enrollments in groups by uploading a formatted .csv file.

Here is an Import File Sample that, when imported, will enroll Student 1 into Group 1, unenroll Student 2 from Group 2, and then enroll Student 2 into Group 1.

Username FirstName LastName Role Email GroupName GroupCode GroupCategoryName Action
Student1 Test Student1 Learner [email protected] Group 1 grp_7742_186_1 Category 1 Enroll
[email protected]
Group 2
Category 1 Unenroll
[email protected]
Group 1
Category 1 Enroll

The import file must meet the following requirements:

  • The users that are to be enrolled into groups must already be enrolled in the course itself.
  • The group categories must already exist in the course.
  • The widget can only understand 2 types of Actions: “Enroll” and “Unenroll”.
  • Lines with a blank Action field will be ignored.
  • Lines with errors/typos in the Action field will result in an error.
  • Actions are case-insensitive, so, e.g., “enroll”, “Enroll” and “ENROLL” will work.
  • The files can be partial uploads: If the action field (Enroll/Unenroll) is left blank, the widget will ignore that line, which will result in no action and no error.
  • Lines with only GroupName, GroupCode, and GroupCategoryName but with a blank Username will result in no action and no error unless you specify an action (Enroll/Unenroll) in the Action field; in such cases, it will result in an error.
  • Lines with only GroupCategoryName will result in no action and no error unless you specify an action (Enroll/Unenroll) in the Action field; in such cases, it will result in an error.
  • You can create new groups with the .csv file; if the widget cannot find an existing group with the provided name within the specified category, it will first create a new group and then enroll the user.
  • Names of groups that Admin Users try to create must be unique within the course.
  • When creating groups, GroupCode field may be left blank as the widget will generate a unique group code.
  • Lines that create groups may not have a blank Username.
  • Lines that create groups must have the “Enroll” action in the Action field.
  • The import file must be a formatted .csv file.
  • The import file name must start with “classlist_”.
  • You can upload only one file at a time.
  • The file size must not exceed 500KB.
  • The maximum number of users to be enrolled/unenrolled must not exceed 1000, i.e., the maximum number of rows is 1001.
  • The file header must contain the following fields: Username, FirstName, LastName, Role, Email, GroupName, GroupCode, GroupCategoryName, Action.
  • The fields that must be valid for the import to work include Username, GroupName, GroupCategoryName and Action (they may not be left blank); other fields are optional.

Import Errors

If any lines result in an error, the widget will generate and download a .csv file where the errors along with their descriptions will be listed in the last column (“Errors”). For example, the action field is "ENROLLL" (triple "L") instead of "ENROLL" (double "L"):

Username FirstName LastName Role Email GroupName GroupCode GroupCategoryName Action Errors
Test.Test1 Test Test1 Learner [email protected] Group 1 grp_7742_186_1 Category 1
ENROLLL ERROR: Action must be either Enroll or Unenroll
[email protected]
Group 2 grp_7742_186_2 Category 1

See some examples of errors below.

ERROR: Action must be either Enroll or Unenroll
Klik om te kopiëren
  • The widget only accepts 2 types of Actions: “Enroll” and “Unenroll” (case-insensitive).
ERROR: Group category with this name not found
Klik om te kopiëren
  • The group category name provided does not exist in the course.
ERROR: Group not found
Klik om te kopiëren
  • The group name provided does not exist in the course.
ERROR: Username not found
Klik om te kopiëren
  • The username provided does not exist in the course classlist.
ERROR: Group name must be unique
Klik om te kopiëren
  • The group with such a name already exists in the course.
ERROR: Group creation failed
Klik om te kopiëren
  • Group that you were trying to create has not been created due to an error.
ERROR: User unenrollment failed
Klik om te kopiëren
  • Unenrollment action failed.
ERROR: User enrollment failed
Klik om te kopiëren
  • Enrollment action failed.

Group categories

After you set up the group categories and groups, you can add new groups to a group category, but you cannot change the maximum number of students per group. You should therefore think well in advance how large the groups should be when you make them. This only concerns the default group size that Brightspace assigns to groups; you can manually add students to groups, even if the maximum capacity has been reached.

You can create seven different categories in Brightspace:

  1. # of Groups - no Auto Enrollment: n groups. This allows you to determine the total number of groups you want to create. You can enter this number under Number of Groups. With this option you can add students to groups yourself.
  2. Groups of #: groups with a maximum of n students. This option allows you to indicate the maximum number of students per group (with a limit of 200 students). You enter this number under Number of users. Brightspace then automatically adds students to groups.
  3. # of Groups: n groups. This option determines the number of groups you want to create. You can enter this number under Number of Groups. Brightspace then automatically adds students to groups.
  4. Groups of # - Self Enrollment: Groups with a maximum of n students. This option allows you to indicate the maximum number of students per group (with a limit of 200 students). You enter this number under Number of users. Students can then choose their own group to register with.
  5. # of Groups - Self Enrollment: n groups. This option allows you to determine the total number of groups you want to create. You can enter this number under Number of Groups. Students can then choose their own group to register with.
  6. # of Groups, Capacity of # - Self Enrollment: n groups with a maximum of n students. This option allows you to determine the total number of groups you want to create and the maximum number of students per group (with a limit of 200 students per group). You can enter the number of groups under Number of Groups and the number of students per group under Number of Users. Students can then choose their own group to register with.
  7. Single user, member-specific groups: personal group per student. This option creates a separate group for each student. You can choose this option if you want to work with blogs or progress reports. Students can then write a blog in a personal and private discussion forum.

With options 2 and 3 you can change the following via Advanced Properties:

  • Auto-Enroll New Users: Brightspace automatically adds all students joining the course after the groups are created. (Students are always added to the group with the least number of students; this option ensures that there are no groups without participants.)
  • Randomize users in Groups: students are randomly added to a group. If this option is not checked, students will be added in alphabetical order if this option is not checked)

With options 4, 5 and 6 you can change the following via Advanced Properties:

  • Set a start date (Start Date) and/or end date (Expiry Date) for the period in which students can register themselves for a group. After the end date, students can no longer join or leave a group. Enter a date or choose Now to start or stop the self-registration immediately.
  • Add students who have not enrolled in a group to a group via Allocate unenrolled users. This happens automatically after the end date has passed. Students are randomly added to a group. The group capacity could be ignored depending on the number of groups and students.

The example above uses the fifth option: four groups that students are allowed to self-enroll in (# of Groups - Self Enrollment, Number of Groups: 4). With this option you can set an end date for enrollment and ensure that students are automatically enrolled in a group after the end date (these options can be found under Advanced Properties).

  1. Optional: Set a Group prefix (e.g. Sem-). All group names then start with the prefix, followed by a sequence number (for example Sem-1, Sem-2, Sem-3 and Sem-4).
  2. Optional: Set a start and end date and time for Self Enrollment.
    • Check Allocate unenrolled users after Self Enrollment Expiry Date if you want students to be automatically assigned to groups after the deadline.
  3. You can check one or more of the following options under Additional Options:
    • A Discussion forum and topic.
    • A Locker (a group-specific digital storage space so that a group can share files digitally without the intervention of other students).
    • An Assignment hand-in folder.
  4. Click Save. If you have chosen one of the extra options, you will now go to the function that makes it possible to make the chosen options. The groups are created in the background, and you will be notified when it is complete. You will now return to the Manage Groups page.

Restrict Enrollments To

In addition, when creating new groups, you can choose from which groups or sections you want to restrict enrollments via Restrict Enrollments To. This means that students can only be registered for a group if they are also in the clicked group or section.

Please note, this is only possible if the course has sections or if groups have already been created. If the course has no sections or you are creating a group for the first time, Restrict Enrollments To will not show up in the settings.

Manage your groups via Manage Groups

In Manage Groups you can:

  • See the group categories and groups.
  • Create new categories.
  • Customize categories and groups.
  • See which students are in which group.
  • Delete categories and groups.
  • Send an email to all students in a specific group.
  1. Click the arrow under View Categories to jump to a specific category and view the groups it contains.
  2. The number after the name of the category (Workgroups (5)) indicates the number of groups that are in the category. By clicking on the arrow behind the name of the category you can:
    • edit the category (Edit Category). You can use this function to add a discussion topic or locker if you already created the category but didn't do it right away.
    • add a group (Add Group).
    • add students to a group (Enroll Users). This option opens a screen where you can add students from the classlist in groups in this specific category.
    • Delete all groups in a category (Delete)
    • Email all students in groups in this category (Email)
  3. If you want to create a new group category (for example for a lecture or a seminar), you can click on New Category and repeat the steps indicated above.
  4. Click on the number in the Members column to see which students are in the group.
  5. If you want to delete a group or email every member of the group, click the check mark for a particular group and choose the Delete or Email option. When you send an email via this option, all email addresses are in the BCC for privacy reasons.
  6. You can edit or add a group's description by clicking on the name of the group in question.

Video about creating groups

If you want to know more about creating groups, watch this video from the Brightspace supplier D2L. Some screens have a different appearance than the Brightspace environment of Saxion.

Vorige Artikel How do I export Grades?
Volgende Artikel What are sections and how are they different from groups?
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